Texas House Rep. Signs Warrant For The Missing Democrat’s Arrest

Texas House Representative, warrant signed for democrats

There may be an ongoing fallout from the quorum-breaking trip away from the state of Democratic Texas House representatives. Signaling the continuation of the fallout is the arrest warrant that Representative Philip Cortez has got from Speaker of the Texas House Dade Phelan.

The Texas Tribune’s political reporter Cassi Pollock noted that Phelan singled out Cortez as the latter briefly came back home in a bid at negotiating with GOPs on the Republican electoral bill that precipitated the quorum break.

The warrant may be provocative, but Pollock said that it is unlikely to have an impact as Texas’s law enforcement does not have jurisdiction beyond this state and Cortez had returned to DC.

In other news from the week gone by, a Texas federal judge refused to accept a lawsuit against UT Austin. As for Pollock, the judge discovered that the party behind this lawsuit had essentially made the same legal claims in an earlier case.

The judge in the recent case cited a previous ruling in the US Supreme Court that tossed the other comparable case out.

Further, a closely followed congressional election saw representative Jake Ellzey scoring an unexpected win above Susan Wright. The electoral race in North Texas filled the position of late Congressperson Ron Wright. Susan’s congressional husband Ron Wright died earlier in 2021 due to cancer and coronavirus complications.

Donald Trump endorsed Susan Wright, whereas Ellzey was banking on the support of former Representative Dan Crenshaw and Governor Rick Perry.